Thursday, September 8, 2011

Overview of Marine Corps Gazette FAQs

Have any questions about Marine Corps Gazette? View our FAQ page and leave a comment regarding any unanswered questions.
  1. How do I go about getting back issues of the Marine Corps Gazette? The last 10 years of back issues are available through the Marine Corps Gazette editorial office. You may request back issues by mail at Marine Corps Gazette, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134; by e-mail at gazette(at); or by telephone at 703–640–6161, ext. 144. There is a per issue charge for back copies of $5.95 per copy, including domestic postage and handling.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Overreliance On SatCom

Overreliance on SatCom should be considered a
critical vulnerability. (Photo by MSgt Peter Walz)
We could be fighting completely blind

Over the past decade the Marine Corps has experienced a transformation in the way it enables command and control (C2) with tactical communications systems. More specifically, we have dramatically increased our use of beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) satellite communications (SatCom) for MAGTF operations. Thus our reliance on spacebased assets for providing the necessary communications links has grown exponentially as a result of distributed operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. For the most part this has been a positive step for the Marine Corps and will continue to develop as time moves on.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

After Leading Two Wars, Petraeus Retires From Army

Listen to the NPR story.

The most famous man in the U.S. Army left the military on Wednesday.

Gen. David Petraeus retired from the Army after 37 years in uniform. A couple of hundred people gathered on a sun-splashed day at Fort Myer, Va., just across the Potomac River from Washington, to pay tribute to the general. And like most of his career, the ceremony was well-scripted.