This entry is the
first in a series of posts that will highlight books on the Commandant’s
Professional Reading List in an effort to promote the study of military history
and other professional subjects. This month’s selection is “The Landmark Thucydides:
A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian War”. Next month’s feature is
“Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power.”
This post was
co-authored with Brad Fultz.
The world looks at the leading democratic power not as a source
of inspiration or with feelings of kinship. Indeed, it seems that most of the
world sees a threat-a global power determined to rule as an empire not based on
democracy or any other altruistic reasons, but through the application of
unchecked power to protect first and foremost its own interests. Anyone who
stands in the way will be crushed.
And why not? This is an appropriate role for the dominant
power in a loose, unipolar world. After all this country was responsible for
the defeat of the “Evil Empire” to the East that ushered in “an end to history”
where under its democratic leadership the world would cooperate to ensure the
free flow of commerce and ideas. Treaties established trade linkages justifying
the most powerful navy in the history of the world to keep open. The year is
433 B.C.-the democracy is Athens and one of the greatest wars in history is
about to begin.
As military professionals we are often at the forefront in
the effort to work through a growing list of complex issues such as the nature
of the international system, alliance building and maintenance, grand strategy,
the operational level of war, and conflict termination. By studying one of the most enduring works of
history, Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta,
we can examine the unchanging nature of human political, economic, and military
Thucydides’ account is brilliant in its sweep and
analysis. The work is not simply a
re-telling of one battle after the other, but offers a holistic view by focusing
on the geo-political, economic, and other strategic elements of this civil war
that lasted for almost 30 years. While reading this book I was struck by the
transformation of a limited war into a total war and the failure of both sides
to end hostilities despite numerous treaties. While the Spartans would
eventually claim victory, both sides were so devastated that Greek power would
never recover.
I also could not help but marvel at the arc of Athenian democracy
presented by Thucydides. In Book One he discusses the evolution of Athens from
city-state to the dominant force in the Mediterranean after the defeat of the
Persians. In the Funeral Oration of Pericles in Book Two, one of the most famous
passages in Western history, Thucydides records Pericles’ words at the end of
the first year of war in which he eloquently and passionately describes the
qualities that make Athens so great. With a modern update the speech could be
made in the halls of Congress today. As the
war progresses over the years though the very nature of the Athenian state
slowly devolves from Pericles’ ideal city on a hill to an international bully
as depicted in the Melian Dialogue in Book Five. The Athenians offer the small
and neutral island of Melos a stark choice, submit to Athens or be destroyed.
In contrast to the rule of law stressed by Pericles the Melians are presented
with an arbitrary decision-they refuse and are crushed.
As with America’s position after World War II, Athens came
to dominate not only Greece but also the entire Mediterranean world. It was
dependent on its strong navy to secure alliances and the resources needed to
sustain its hegemony and evolved from a city-state to an empire. In a classic
security dilemma, Athenian power, while saving the Greeks from Persian
invasions led to resentment and fear of her unchecked power by other Greeks,
particularly Sparta. This sets the stage for several decades of internecine war
in which the account of Thucydides covers the most decisive phase. As we
consider the nature of our own country, both in our foundational belief in
democracy and our rise to power in the world, there is much we can learn today
from the Peloponnesian War.
While this book is listed under the “Senior Level: Colonel
to General” it would be a mistake to wait that long to tackle this
book. If one waits until they are an O-6, too many of our thought leaders, be
they on a Division or MARFOR staff, will miss the opportunity to study one of
the great works of political-military history. Any O-4 who
has completed Command and Staff College or the equivalent professional military
education should read this book to reinforce the political and strategic subjects
covered during the course.
Noting that this is perhaps one of the most challenging books
on the Professional Reading List we thought it would be helpful if we shared some
of our best practices in getting through it as well as a discussion guide which
is available on the MCU website
(discussion guides for other reading list books
are also here).
We hope you will endeavor to tackle this exceptional work-it’s worth it.